Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Frog: T.S. Testis


Histological the testis consists of numerous
1. Seminiferous tubules
2. Blood vessels
3. Nerve fibers and
4. Interstitial cells embedded in connective tissue.
All the mentioned above are enclosed by a common, thick fibrous sheath of connective tissue. This sheath is called Tunica Albugenia. The seminiferous tubules are lined by a single layer of cuboidal cells. These cuboidal cells form the germinal epithelium. The germinal epithelium produces a large number of sperms through the process of spermatogenesis. The sperms can be seen in the form of several bundles. These bundles are radially arranged in the lumen of each seminiferous tubule. Some cells in the process of spermatogenesis are also seen in the lumen of seminiferous tubules. The connective tissue lying in the intertubular spaces contains one or more interstitial cells along with blood vessels and nerve fibres.The interstitial cells are also called Leydig's cell. The interstitial cells are endocrinal in nature. They secrete male sex hormones, such as androsterone and testosterone.


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